
my semester so far

 This semester it's been nice, i think it has been more bearable because i have organized my time better. For this semester im trying to keep all of the work for the week days, like try to do the things as soon as posible, because of that way i have a little of free time for me on the weekend. The class that most enjoy so far is taller 2, we are doing bookstores, and is very interesting because we are understanding the program to apply it to the building an it is all a bit abstract but it is fun. However one class that im not enjoy so much is “investigación del entorno”, because is a bit confused, i really like the stuff we are talking about in that subject, but in the moment of a task or something with grade i not understand very well to the teacher, so is a bit frustrating. In my free time i read a Little, but lately i haven’t been able to finish any books. What i do a lot  is watch movies and series. Right now im watching a series call “normal people” and is very good and

A newspaper article


A memory of a school teacher

 One of the very good teacher that i remember was my 9th and 10th grade language teacher. his name is Ignacio and he is a very funny and clever. This teacher was very important in that moment because i was new in the school and i was very nervous, but his first impression help me to calm down.  I remember that in the school i was in, the teachers didn't really care about us, but he did care a lot. He was always ready to hear everything we had to say, and he treated us like normal people not like the rest of the teachers. This teacher teach me that what i think and believe is important, and i can always speak about what i think is right. Also, a learned a lot about writing and reading with him. I gained a lot of confidence about what i whote when he taught me. The last time a saw this teacher was in my high school graduation, because he was the one to officiate the ceremony. It was nice to see him there since he was the first teacher that i had in that school and he always knew what

Fiestas Patrias

 Fiestras patrias is a very nice holiday because of the many days we have off, it was very nice to have a break. In my family we only celebrate in the 18th, that day we went to the house of my aunt. I was with my cousins, my aunt, my grandmother, as well as my parents and sisters. We ate and drink together. My dad made the BBQ and it was delicious. We alse made empanadas, pebre and churrascas, so it was a very complete meal. The other days we rest and watch movies, we had very relaxed and calm days.

A friend of high school

 When i was in high school i made a friend called Pamela, we bonded over the fact that we were born on the same day and in the same hospital, so we became great friends. She is a very funny girl, who is always talking, there is never silence when she is around. She is also very intelligent, but she is not very good in the academic stuff. One of the things we enjoy doing together is reading. We share the same taste in books, and we could talk about it for ever. we also talk about movies and tv shows, and talk in general, but the books are very important to us. She is now studying anthropology in the university. She always wanted that, so i am happy for her. However we don't see eachother now, after finishing school, we take different paths and now i don't know how she is or any of it, but i hope that she is okay.

Five favourites things

 Hi, this week i am going to write about five of my favourite things  A song that i really love is "How did it end?" by Taylor Swift, i like this song because is really meaningful and deep. The lyric is so beautiful, and a feel that many people can feel and understand the song. I believe that is amazing that son many diferent people can feel the same way only by one song. My favourite film is call "Manchester by the sea", is a movie about a very lonely man who has to go back to the town were he grow up to take care of his nephew, because his brother just past away, but he has a past there, which he will have to face. This is the most sad film that i ever watch, and i cry all the movie, but it´s worht it. A piece of technology that i really use a lot is my cellphone, apart from the obvios, my cellphone is where i read a lot, is the most comfortable for that because i can read wherever i want and its not heavy like a book. My favourite book is "Percy Jackson"


  The international friendship day A friend is very important for all humans. they are a special connection of our lives and came in all shapes and sizes. friends helps us having a more healtly life both phisicly and mentaly. The UN declared 30 july the international day of friendship. Because friendship is importan no only as a personal level. keep friendship across the borders can help bring peace and avoid war, among other things, incluted, a more divercity in the culture. The world firendship crusade, founded by Dr. Ramon Artemio Bracho in Paraguay in 1958, initiated the ides of celebrating friendship week to highlight the value of friendship. The first time celebrating the week of friendship, ending it on July 30, which was later declared friendship day by the UN in 2011. The frienship is celebrating in all over the world but in diferent dates, a lot of countries do it in July 30, but other countries have different dates. For example, Argentina, Brazil and Spain celebrate Friend&#