This week, a read about Chappell Roan´s concert in "On my radar" from guardian. In the snapshot they talk about how good her perfomance is, and they wish they had bought tickets before it became popular, because now, the tickects to her concert are very expensive. However, she is a very good artist and seeing her performance is absolutely worth it. Finally they end by saying that if you don't have tickects, you can always see it on NPR Tiny Desk Concert. I liked what they said about her quality as an artist, her comparison with Kate Bush and Lady Gaga caught my attention. I think I might get to listen to it one day. This reading inspired me to make my own culture radar. 1. Concert Taylor Swift If you don't live under a rock, you've probably heard about The Eras Tour, an incredibly well done concert. Taylor Swift leaves her soul on stage in all shows, full of unmatched choreography and performances. Unfortunately not everyone can go, and if like me you were left...
One of the very good teacher that i remember was my 9th and 10th grade language teacher. his name is Ignacio and he is a very funny and clever. This teacher was very important in that moment because i was new in the school and i was very nervous, but his first impression help me to calm down. I remember that in the school i was in, the teachers didn't really care about us, but he did care a lot. He was always ready to hear everything we had to say, and he treated us like normal people not like the rest of the teachers. This teacher teach me that what i think and believe is important, and i can always speak about what i think is right. Also, a learned a lot about writing and reading with him. I gained a lot of confidence about what i whote when he taught me. The last time a saw this teacher was in my high school graduation, because he was the one to officiate the ceremony. It was nice to see him there since he was the first teacher that i had in that school and he always knew...
Hi, this week i am going to write about five of my favourite things A song that i really love is "How did it end?" by Taylor Swift, i like this song because is really meaningful and deep. The lyric is so beautiful, and a feel that many people can feel and understand the song. I believe that is amazing that son many diferent people can feel the same way only by one song. My favourite film is call "Manchester by the sea", is a movie about a very lonely man who has to go back to the town were he grow up to take care of his nephew, because his brother just past away, but he has a past there, which he will have to face. This is the most sad film that i ever watch, and i cry all the movie, but it´s worht it. A piece of technology that i really use a lot is my cellphone, apart from the obvios, my cellphone is where i read a lot, is the most comfortable for that because i can read wherever i want and its not heavy like a book. My favourite book is "Percy Jackson...
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