my semester so far

 This semester it's been nice, i think it has been more bearable because i have organized my time better. For this semester im trying to keep all of the work for the week days, like try to do the things as soon as posible, because of that way i have a little of free time for me on the weekend.

The class that most enjoy so far is taller 2, we are doing bookstores, and is very interesting because we are understanding the program to apply it to the building an it is all a bit abstract but it is fun.

However one class that im not enjoy so much is “investigación del entorno”, because is a bit confused, i really like the stuff we are talking about in that subject, but in the moment of a task or something with grade i not understand very well to the teacher, so is a bit frustrating.

In my free time i read a Little, but lately i haven’t been able to finish any books. What i do a lot  is watch movies and series. Right now im watching a series call “normal people” and is very good and beautiful so far.

The highlight of the semester so far is that a have made Friends with people i never imagined posible, and that i am learning to organize myself like never before.


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