A friend of high school

 When i was in high school i made a friend called Pamela, we bonded over the fact that we were born on the same day and in the same hospital, so we became great friends.

She is a very funny girl, who is always talking, there is never silence when she is around. She is also very intelligent, but she is not very good in the academic stuff. One of the things we enjoy doing together is reading. We share the same taste in books, and we could talk about it for ever. we also talk about movies and tv shows, and talk in general, but the books are very important to us.

She is now studying anthropology in the university. She always wanted that, so i am happy for her.

However we don't see eachother now, after finishing school, we take different paths and now i don't know how she is or any of it, but i hope that she is okay.


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